Extra-Hospital Department

Dear patients!

With the focus and attention to your health, Family Health Center “GALAXIA” has launched a comprehensive set of prophylactic, diagnostic, curative and healthcare services that are currently working successfully, being in line with European and world standards:

1.Home medical assistance (for a single payment):

Medical assistance provided by specialists with superior medical education
Medical assistance provided by specialists with medium medical education
Consultations of narrow specialists
Paraclinic Investigations

2. Home medical care:

It is an alternative to stationary medical care.
Minimizing hospital stay
Ensuring continuity of medical care

3. Healthcare based on contracts:
– Corporate, including prophylactic medical examinations with or without occupational risk factors

– Pregnancy

– Family

Annual subscriptions with 10% Discount throughout the year
Specialized Packages with 10% Discount


Time savings – Pre-appointment by the Extra-Hospital’s Department coordinating physician;
Particular attention – informational support by the doctor-coordinator;
Material economy – access to all Family Health Center “Galaxia” services over a year with discount.
More information: 022-858-526, 068-263-063, de@galaxia.md